Human League Heritage Squad

Human League Heritage Squads were groups tasked by the Human-Supremacist organization Human League with uncovering Corellia's Planetary repulsor to use as part of their insurrection to overthrow the Corellian government, under the guise of wanting to learn more about human history on the planet. The heritage squads were lead by General Brimon Yarar.


Their members wore Human League uniforms, though without the group's armband.


In 18 ABY, members of a Heritage Squad were digging up ancient structures under the surface of Corellia, in order to find a device placed there by the Celestials thousands of years earlier, called a planetary repulsor in order to help in their plan to overthrow Corellia's Governor-General, Micamberlecto. Their goal was disguised by claiming that they were digging up the structures for historical purposes. Yarar gave a tour of their dig site to New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and her family while they attended a trade summit on Corellia.



