Hrakert Station

Officially the Selkath were neutral in the conflict and had set up a treaty with both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire to provide equal access to their kolto supply. The Selkath government hoped that this would prove political protection with whichever faction won the war, as they were the sole source of the precious healing agent. However, some Selkath officials believed that Manaan and the Selkath would suffer greatly under the yoke of a victorious Sith government, and conspired with the Republic to construct the station in hopes that the extra kolto supplies would help the war effort.

It was constructed at the kotlo reserves at Hrakert Rift and kept its output within the margin for error in the official records to keep the operation secret.

In 3956 BBY, the Republic Embassy on Manaan lost contact with the station and sent several mercenaries to investigate the situation. When none returned, Roland Wann enlisted the services of Revan to do the same. Wann was aware of ancient ruins near the rift, and speculated that they may hold the piece of the Star Map that Revan sought, therefore it was in both of their interests that he investigate the rift.

Revan discovered that the mining operation had disturbed the Progenitor, a massive female firaxan shark that lived in the Rift. In response, the Progenitor sent out a series of telepathic calls that drove both the sharks and the Selkath within range insane.

Almost everyone on the station had been killed and eaten by maddened Selkath, while the escaping submersibles were destroyed by the Progenitor and its kin. Acting on the advice of one of the surviving scientists, Revan destroyed the Hrakert kolto harvester which encroached on the Progenator's lair. This choice set back the mining operation by years but was successful in pacifying the creature. Once the Progenitor had been placated, she allowed Revan access to the Star Map near the base.

When the Selkath government officially questioned Revan over the explosions detected near the rift, he was forced to reveal the station's presence, officially characterizing it as a jointly operated research station.

The station later became the secret headquarters of the Order of Shasa, a Force-sensitive Selkath cult.

If the player chooses to follow the dark side story, Revan releases a chemical that kills the Progenitor but turns the kolto black. As the creature held great spiritual signifigance for the Selkath, Revan is banned from visiting Manaan again on pain of death for killing it.

Either Calo Nord or Darth Bandon may appear in Hrakert Station, depending on the order in which the player visits the planets.

Behind the scenes

If the player chooses to follow the dark side story, Revan releases a chemical that kills the Progenitor but turns the kolto black. As the creature held great spiritual signifigance for the Selkath, Revan is banned from visiting Manaan again on pain of death for killing it.

Either Calo Nord or Darth Bandon may appear in Hrakert Station, depending on the order in which the player visits the planets.



