Honor Salima

In 19 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an attack on Coruscant where they managed to kidnap the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Salima, still commanding the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet, was able to swiftly rally the fleet and ordered them to close in to prevent the Separatists from disengaging and escaping, she also moved the fleet to the hyperspace jump point to prevent the Separatists from leaving the system with the Chancellor.

Honor Salima had dark-colored skin, brown eyes, dark hair, and wore a standard Republic officer's uniform.

Honor Salima was introduced in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines, written by Daniel Wallace. Her portrait was illustrated by Aaron Riley.

Behind the scenes

Honor Salima was introduced in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines, written by Daniel Wallace. Her portrait was illustrated by Aaron Riley.


  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines
  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
