
Hollowtown was a large botanic biosphere located in Centerpoint Station.

Structure and appearance

Hollowtown was an open sphere, measuring sixty kilometers in diameter. It was located in Centerpoint Station's tractor beam projector, in the exact center of the station. At the center of Hollowtown, the tractor beam projector's power source, the Glowpoint, blazed like a perpetual sun, making the interior of the sphere habitable.

The walls of Hollowtown had been colonized for generations, with homes, parks, lakes, orchards, and farmland. Because of the Glowpoint's light, there was no night in Hollowtown. Residents typically placed programmed blocks of transparisteel above their houses that "dimmed" on a day/night cycle. These were referred to as "shadow-shields" and were decorated extensively by its owner. On both sides of the Hollowtown sphere, positioned along the spin axis, was a large cone ringed by six smaller cones; the sets were called the North and South Conical Mountains. These cones were part of the tractor beam projector's mechanisms. One of the southern cones was known as Conical Six, and was owned by the Five Brothers Resort and Casino.

Creation and settlement

The chamber, along with the station itself had been created out of material mined from asteroids around 100,000 BBY by the Killiks, under order from the Celestials. The chamber's tractor beam was then used to build the Corellian system by pulling planets into orbit around the star Corell, and the Maw black hole cluster, in order to keep in a powerful being known as Abeloth.

After the Infinite Empire collapsed and slaves in the Corellian System revolted, freeing themselves in 25,200 BBY, they began to colonize Centerpoint Station. None of the colonists knew who built Centerpoint Station or whether the structure was intended to be inhabited, but they found that the Glowpoint in the tractor beam projector's chamber provided an environment as acceptable as any fertile planet, so some settled into the chamber and created Hollowtown. For generations, the farms in Hollowtown provided more than enough food for the station and the settlers lived comfortably under the Glowpoint.


In 18 ABY, the Sacorrian Triad, the leaders of the planet Sacorria in the Corellian sector, wished to break the sector away from the New Republic and create an independent state. Their scientists studied Centerpoint Station for a long time and discovered its powerful tractor beam. They found that it was able to destroy entire stars when they tested it on TD-10036-EM-1271, a star in the Expansion Region, and saw that it had exploded. The Triad then decided to use the threat of the station's destructive powers to negotiate their independence.

The destruction of Hollowtown during the Corellian Crisis.

The destruction of Hollowtown during the Corellian Crisis.

When the tractor beam fired, it caused the Glowpoint to flare to several thousand degrees. Everyone present in Hollowtown was killed as the structures and farms were incinerated and the water evaporated. The fires used up the majority of the oxygen in the chamber, so Centerpoint Station's technicians were required to install a full air system in the turbolift car that led to the chamber. As a result of Hollowtown's destruction, the station's population left. The government of the nearby double worlds, Talus and Tralus worked to keep it quiet, believing it to be a terrorist attack.

Shortly after, the Sacorrian Triad launched their insurrection, during which they fired the tractor beam several more times, destroying the star Thanta Zilbra and nearly destroying the star Bovo Yagen.

In 40 ABY, the remains of Hollowtown were destroyed when Centerpoint Station fired on itself during the Battle of Centerpoint Station in the Second Galactic Civil War.


  • Cracken's Threat Dossier
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
  • The Essential Chronology
  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Suns of Fortune












