Ho'Din herbal tea

Ho'Din herbal tea was a herb-derived tea brewed by the Ho'Din art dealer Tal Anavere. Anavere cultivated addictive qualities in a combination of Ho'Din herbal teas that she made and served her clients, influential bureaucrats of the Galactic Empire. Anavere used the tea to help her extract valuable information from the Imperials that she passed on to the Rebel Alliance.


Ho'Din herbal tea was one of a series of herb-derived teas. The beverage shared its name with the Ho'Din, a sentient species native to the Outer Rim Territories planet Moltok. Ho'Din herbal tea could be served from a tall teapot.


At some point by 0 ABY, Tal Anavere, a Ho'Din art dealer and the owner of the art gallery "Sophistication" on the Inner Rim world Obroa-skai, began serving a combination of Ho'Din herbal teas to her clients, highly placed members of the Galactic Empire's bureaucracy. Unbeknown to them, Anavere used her position to gather and pass on valuable information to the Rebel Alliance, and she utilized the herb-derived beverages to further her control over the Imperials, using her skills to cultivate addictive qualities in the teas she brewed.

Alliance General Airen Cracken noted Anavere's use of Ho'Din herbal teas in a personal addendum to an entry dedicated to the Ho'Din art dealer within a datafile detailing Rebel operatives. In the addendum, Cracken also noted his reservations about the methods Anavere used for extracting information from her clients; however, his concerns were mitigated to an extent by the belief that the atrocities committed by the Imperial bureaucrats were far more grave than the art dealer's use of Ho'Din herbal teas.

Behind the scenes

Ho'Din herbal tea was created by Chuck Truett and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, the tea was depicted visually in an illustration by Mike Vilardi.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
