
Hleua was an astronomical object located in the Hleua system, a part of the Eucer sector of the Mid Rim. During the Tionese War, waged between the Galactic Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion, the Republic-settled celestial body Okator VIII was regularly visited by courier starships on business errands from Hleua.

Shortly before the war's end around 23,900 BBY, a Tionese military force destroyed several Republic settlements on Okator VIII. A witness of the attack, a local farm boy–turned–Republic soldier, later imprinted an audio-visual account of the attack in a Baragwin sense lattice. In the record, the soldier noted that the drives of the attackers' Tionjack warships emitted a unique sound that made them unmistakable for the ships that usually visited Okator VIII, such as the couriers from Hleua.

Hleua was originally meant to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the section that would have mentioned the astronomical object was cut before the book's release.

The information regarding Hleua was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Hleua system, and therefore the celestial body itself, in grid square Q-7.

Behind the scenes

Hleua was originally meant to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the section that would have mentioned the astronomical object was cut before the book's release.

The information regarding Hleua was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Hleua system, and therefore the celestial body itself, in grid square Q-7.
