High Squibbian Law

High Squibbian Law was the traditional legal system of the Squib species. One of its strictures was that possession was nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine-one-thousandths of the law. Sometime in 17 BBY or later, on the planet Almas, the Squib Jiminaldo-mabbramsti cited this aspect of High Squibbian Law to support his claim of ownership over 7-A39, a legless protocol droid that he and his crew had found, but which a group of Ugors also claimed under Ugorian Divine Law. By 2 ABY, another aspect of High Squibbian Law mandated that the king of the Squib Polyanarchy could carry no possessions but the junk hanging from his regal outfit, yet he could use none of these items.

High Squibbian Law first appeared in Scavenger Hunt, an adventure written by Brad Freeman and published in 1989 as part of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games.

Behind the scenes

High Squibbian Law first appeared in Scavenger Hunt, an adventure written by Brad Freeman and published in 1989 as part of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games.






