
Due to the influence of Herglic trading within the Tapani sector several Herglic words were incorporated into the local vocabulary.

Glossary of terms

  • chakk - a naïve person. Literally a young Herglic that was not weaned from its mother
  • hauum - sound of a Herglic clearing his blowhole. Used at the beginning of a significant remark.
  • pakk - city (literally pod community) or planet
  • pison - thief/bully or Imperial official
  • pison-pakk - Coruscant or any Imperial sector capital
  • shen - pod mother or a spacecraft that has nurtured the traveler in space
  • shan - pod aunt or a spacecraft not traveled in.
  • shan-pakk - spaceport
  • shep - friend (literally podmate) or wingman/sister ship
  • shep-pakk - homeworld
  • umron - an idiot who is ignorant to his stupidity


  • Player's Guide to Tapani
  • Lords of the Expanse
  • Alien Anthology
  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  • Galaxy of Intrigue
