Hedge Mitchels

However, a young smuggler affiliated with the League went to examine the artifact and convinced Mitchels that his discovery would be more useful to the organization than to a museum.

Hedge Mitchels was first mentioned in "Crystal Artifact," a Crew Run mission available in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, written by Alexander Freed and Lori Hyrup. In real-life, the English adventurer Mitchell-Hedges purportedly discovered a crystal skull in Belize some time in the 1920s.

Behind the scenes

Hedge Mitchels was first mentioned in "Crystal Artifact," a Crew Run mission available in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, written by Alexander Freed and Lori Hyrup. In real-life, the English adventurer Mitchell-Hedges purportedly discovered a crystal skull in Belize some time in the 1920s.



