
H-90 was a sector of the Galactic City on Coruscant.

Ten years after the Yuuzhan Vong War, this sector faced a large increase in insurgents while Thrackan Sal-Solo made his bid for Corellian independence. During this bid, the Coruscant Security Force began arrests of vandals who painted anti-Galactic Alliance symbols on government buildings in the sector. A riot nearly broke out, but the assailants were arrested by the Galactic Alliance Guard.


Ten years after the Yuuzhan Vong War, this sector faced a large increase in insurgents while Thrackan Sal-Solo made his bid for Corellian independence. During this bid, the Coruscant Security Force began arrests of vandals who painted anti-Galactic Alliance symbols on government buildings in the sector. A riot nearly broke out, but the assailants were arrested by the Galactic Alliance Guard.



