Grell Panib

Grell Panib was a human male who served as general of the Bakuran Defense Fleet during the Yuuzhan Vong War.


Grell Panib was born in a mining colony on Heffrin circa 19 BBY. He was a tumultuous youth, frequent getting into fights. After many run-ins with the law, he was conscripted into the Imperial Army. While a good soldier, he still had trouble containing his anger, and was almost thrown out of the service twice for striking an officer. After two years of brawling, he was transferred to Bakura where he served Commander Pter Thanas. Thanas took a particular interest in him and trained him for three years, helping him direct his aptitude for fisticuffs towards sensible pursuits. This included becoming the unarmed combat champion on Bakura by 4 ABY. When his commander Thanas defected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic after the Battle on Bakura, Panib followed him and assisted in the in developing the Bakuran defense force.

Following the attempted Ssi-ruuvi invasion of Bakura in 28 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Panib took control of Bakura when Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol was abducted. Declaring martial law until Cundertol's return, Panib was forced to retain his emergency powers when it was revealed that Cundertol and Deputy Prime Minister Blaine Harris were working against efforts to join with the Keeramak. When the threat of Cundertol and Harris was quelled, Panib and Lwothin, leader of the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, signed a treaty and entered into an alliance. Panib sent Bakuran ships to Lwhekk to help with the liberation of the P'w'eck.

Personality and traits

Panib had a short temper, and would frequently brawl when angered. He lacked social graces, and was only courteous to his superior officer Thanas.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



