Green Company

Green Company was a company that served within the 41st Elite Corps of the Galactic Republic's clone army during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, the 41st Elite Corps was tasked with the transportation of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to the planet Coruscant aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility. However, while en route to Coruscant, the Tranquility was attacked by Confederacy of Independent Systems forces in an effort to rescue or execute the Viceroy, forcing Green Company to repel the invaders, resulting in heavy clone trooper losses.


Clone troopers of Green Company in their green-accented armor

Clone troopers of Green Company in their green-accented armor

An infantry company of clone troopers, Green Company served within the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic. The company was led by Jedi Master and General Luminara Unduli, as well as Clone Commander Gree. As a company within the Republic army, the unit consisted of 144 clone troopers organized into four platoons.

The clone troopers that served within Green Company adorned Phase I clone trooper armor that was painted with the green markings of the 41st Elite Corps. Its troopers were armed with DC-15A blaster carbines and DC-15A blaster rifles. Green Company was stationed aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility, in which the company's troopers served as part of its crew and passenger complement.

Commanders and crew

As a commander for the 41st Elite Corps, Gree served as the commander for Green Company.

As a commander for the 41st Elite Corps, Gree served as the commander for Green Company.

While commanded by General Unduli and Commander Gree, Green Company was also commanded by a clone trooper designated as Green Leader and a Clone Captain.


Following the capture of the Separatist leader Nute Gunray on the planet Rodia, Green Company arrived in the Tranquility to escort the high-value target back to Coruscant. However, en route, their ship was ambushed by battle droid forces as well as the Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress. The troopers of Green Company prepared to repel the enemy, which boarded via several dropships. However, a large part of the company, including Green Leader, was slaughtered by the Separatist forces.

Behind the scenes

Green Company first appeared in "Cloak of Darkness," the ninth episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on December 5, 2008.










