Great ibbot

Biology and appearance

The great ibbot was the largest avian species on its homeworld, the Core Worlds planet Drall. One of sixty-eight species of ibbot to live on the planet, the majestic bird stood three to four meters tall and had a wingspan of more than ten meters.

The ibbots' feathers were usually copper and brass in copper with highlights of black and brown. Their abdomens were white or cream-colored, as were the undersides of their wings.

The imposing birds were carnivorous, in contrast to most other ibbots, which ate algae. Specifically, the great ibbot ate aquatic lifeforms, especially fish.


Great ibbots sometimes hunted large spikefish from Drall's lakes and seas. The birds waited for the fish to surface from the water to catch them. They also sometimes ate herd animals and the occasional pet.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  • Suns of Fortune
