Grand Bespin Hotel

The Grand Bespin Hotel was a hotel located on the Tibanna mining colony of Cloud City. It was notable for its white awchways. After fleeing Hoth with Han Solo and Chewbacca, Princess Leia Organa stayed in a suite at the hotel while the Millennium Falcon was being repaired. Baron administrator Lando Calrissian sent the stylist Neshee to the princess' suite, telling him to bring his finest work, fit for royalty. Neshee brought a cloak in radiant tones of red and orange and was surprised to discover that the garment was for an actual princess. Later, Solo came to Leia's suite to inform her that the Falcon's repairs were almost finished. Shortly afterward, Chewbacca came there with the body parts of C-3PO, who, unbeknownst to them, had been blasted apart by Imperial stormtroopers. Calrissian then greeted them in the apartment and asked them to join him for refreshments, before leading them to the Rinetta dining room.

The Grand Bespin Hotel originates in the Legends roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, published in 1993. It was named "Bespin Grand Hotel" in the book, but was later given the alternate name "Grand Bespin Hotel" in Cloud Cover, a Star Wars Roleplaying Game article published in Star Wars Gamer 3 in 2001. It was brought into canon in the short story "Into the Clouds," published in the 2020 anthology book From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. The short story established the hotel as the location where Leia Organa was staying in Cloud City during the events of the film .

Behind the scenes

The Grand Bespin Hotel originates in the Legends roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, published in 1993. It was named "Bespin Grand Hotel" in the book, but was later given the alternate name "Grand Bespin Hotel" in Cloud Cover, a Star Wars Roleplaying Game article published in Star Wars Gamer 3 in 2001. It was brought into canon in the short story "Into the Clouds," published in the 2020 anthology book From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. The short story established the hotel as the location where Leia Organa was staying in Cloud City during the events of the film .


















