
Gosden was a captain in the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War fought between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Gosden served aboard the Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station at some point prior to its destruction in the Battle of Yavin.

A Human male, Gosden stood at a height of 1.8 meters. Gosden's highest goal was serving the Imperial New Order. Gosden had knowledge with bureaucracy and technical proficiency in security. The captain was equipped with a blaster pistol and a comlink and wore the standard Imperial officer's uniform with a rank insignia plaque, a cap, and an Imperial officer's disc.

Gosden was created in 1989 for the first edition of the West End Games sourcebook Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, a supplement written for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The image used to represent Gosden was later used to represent a different Imperial officer, Lieutenant Venka, in the first edition of Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, which was another West End Games sourcebook released in the same year.

Behind the scenes

Gosden was created in 1989 for the first edition of the West End Games sourcebook Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, a supplement written for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The image used to represent Gosden was later used to represent a different Imperial officer, Lieutenant Venka, in the first edition of Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, which was another West End Games sourcebook released in the same year.


  • Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope
