
Gorgara was a female chirodactyl that resided on the planet Dathomir, known in local legends as "the winged daemon of the canyon." When Gorgara began to collect bones, it was a sign of unrest. Gorgara was part of a rite of passage for the strongest Nightbrothers - to venture into her lair and return alive.

This female chirodactyl lived in areas that were very difficult to access, at altitudes that it was foolish to try to reach without a ship, or in the dark depths of gloomy canyons and caves.

With a wingspan of several dozen meters, eyes that seemed to be blind, enormous talons, and a head reminiscent of an owl with teeth, Gorgara feared no rival. For good reason: she was classified as a super-predator, with no known predator that could take her down. Nevertheless, despite her power, size and the dangers that surrounded her territory, Gorgara was killed in a battle with the Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis after crashing into a wall of rock whilst attempting to throw Kestis from her hair.

Even with the clawed wingtips, the shockwave-inducing howl and her ability to spit a deadly dark substance, the Jedi severely wounded it in her lair, forcing her to flee. Gorgara counterattacked when Kestis attempted to climb a cliffside to the upper reaches of the ruins of Dathomir. However, injured and disoriented by the Jedi who clung to her neck, the chirodactyl hit many rocks in mid-air until she fell to her death.


  • Star Wars: Timelines



