Gold Five (Archeon Nebula)

Gold Five was a human female pilot who flew in Gold Squadron in the rebellion. During a skirmish in the Archeon Nebula, Gold Five noticed that the Ghost was about to be shot down by Vult Skerris, so she came in front and sacrificed her life to save the entire crew, including Senator Mon Mothma who she swore to protect.


Gold Five was a member of the Y-wing squadron Gold Squadron, which was part of the rebellion. She and her fellow pilots escorted Senator Mon Mothma, who was a staunch critic of the Galactic Empire and a rebel leader. After Mon Mothma denounced the Emperor for his role in the Ghorman Massacre, Gold Five and her comrades escorted Mon Mothma's shuttle Chandrila Mistress to a pre-arranged rendezvous point with the Spectres rebel cell's starship Ghost in deep space.

Gold Five and her fellow pilots docked with the Ghost and refueled. Shortly later, they were attacked by several Imperial TIE fighters and an Arquitens-class command cruiser. Gold Five and her fellow pilots managed to disable the light cruiser with ion cannons before the bombing the ship. After Mothma abandoned the damaged Chandrila Mistress and evacuated aboard the Ghost, the rebels fled into hyperspace. At the suggestion of the Spectres' leader Hera Syndulla, the rebel convoy decided to travel through the dangerous Archeon Nebula in order to reach Dantooine. Mothma planned to attend an important meeting there.

While traveling through the Archeon pass, the rebel convoy was attacked by Imperial Commander Vult Skerris' TIE Defender and two TIE Interceptors. Skerris quickly destroyed Gold Three and Gold Four's starfighters with his advanced turbolaser cannons. Skerris then proceeded to attack the Ghost, which was carrying Mothma. In a brave act of sacrifice, Gold Five positioned her starfighter and intercepted Skerris' laser bolt. Gold Five was killed when her starfighter was destroyed. Due to her sacrifice, Mothma was able to reach Dantooine and establish the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Personality and traits

Gold Five was a female Y-wing pilot who served in Gold Squadron during the rebellion. She had brown eyes and fair skin. Gold Five was willing to sacrifice her life to help Mon Mothma escape.

Behind the scenes

Gold Five first appeared in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode "Secret Cargo," which premiered on March 4, 2017. She was voiced by Bonnie Wild.



