
Girik was a Zabrak male Sith apprentice of Lord Rathari who served the resurgent Sith Empire during the Cold War.


In 3643 BBY, Girik and his master were operating on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Under his master's order, Girik was negotiating with the Hutts Ybann and Qiltakka, who were representing the Hutt Cartel, when he was interrupted by the arrival of Darth Baras' apprentice. The Hutts promised to bow to the strongest side and Girik challenged the Sith Warrior in a duel, but was defeated.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Warrior could choose to kill Girik for Dark Side points or spare him for Light Side points. If the Sith Warrior chooses to spare his life, he will kill himself with his own lightsaber.



