Gilthor Breen

The pale-skinned man met Ben Skywalker when the Jedi apprentice came looking for the Amulet of Kalara. He was a fan of Aliniaca Verr, who also happened to be from Balmorra. Ben was able to distract him with the thought of her or a lookalike long enough for the young man to sneak into the adjacent offices of Tendrando Arms to continue his quest.


The pale-skinned man met Ben Skywalker when the Jedi apprentice came looking for the Amulet of Kalara. He was a fan of Aliniaca Verr, who also happened to be from Balmorra. Ben was able to distract him with the thought of her or a lookalike long enough for the young man to sneak into the adjacent offices of Tendrando Arms to continue his quest.



