
Gherant was a human male officer in the naval forces of the Galactic Empire. He served on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor.


Gherant served as an officer in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War, and was promoted to serve on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor as a reward for his ambition.

In 4 ABY, when the Rebel Alliance Navy was trapped by Imperial Star Destroyers and the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, Gherant questioned Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett's orders to hold when they were informed that the Imperial Navy was in attack position, unaware of Emperor Palpatine's plan to use the Death Star's superlaser to destroy the Rebel fleet. Piett explained that Palpatine had something special planned and that they only needed to keep the Rebels from escaping.

An A-wing crashing into the bridge of the Executor as Gherant and Piett try to take cover.

An A-wing crashing into the bridge of the Executor as Gherant and Piett try to take cover.

When Rebel Admiral Gial Ackbar ordered his forces to concentrate all fire on the Executor, two A-wings managed to destroy one of the Deflector shield generator domes, causing the bridge to lose its deflector shields. As Piett ordered that forward fire-power be intensified, Gherant pointed at an A-wing piloted by Arvel Crynyd, that had been damaged and sent into an uncontrolled spin. Crynyd maneuvered his starfighter as best as possible and sent it directly at the Executors bridge. As the A-wing flew towards the bridge, Piett yelled again to intensify forward fire-power, to which Gherant remarked "too late!" and jumped into one of the bridge's data pits, followed by Piett as the A-wing crashed through the Viewports. The A-wing exploded as it hit the bridge, destroying it and killing the Rebel pilot, along with Gherant, Piett, and the rest of the bridge crew.

Personality and traits

Gherant was a tall man with brown hair, blue eyes, and light skin. He was ambitious, which earned him a promotion to the Executor. He was also slightly nervous, as seen when questioning Piett's orders to hold, and when frantically looking for incoming starfighters when the bridge's deflector shields were lost during the battle.


Gherant wore the standard issue Imperial officer's uniform and a Rank insignia plaque with three red and three blue squares during the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

Gherant appeared in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and was played by Pip Miller, with his lines being dubbed by an American actor.

Gherant also appeared in the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi junior novelization.







