Geonosis Forward Control

Geonosis Forward Control was an element of the Galactic Republic active in 22 BBY after the First Battle of Geonosis, the first battle of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the aftermath of the battle, Geonosis Forward Control relayed casualty triage details to Fleet Support on the Mid Rim planet Ord Mantell, which consisted of twelve thousand troops with serious injuries and a further eight thousand walking wounded soldiers. Additionally, Geonosis Forward Control ordered Fleet Support to prepare to accommodate seventy-two thousand additional combat-ready troopers.

Geonosis Forward Control was mentioned in the 2004 novel Republic Commando: Hard Contact, written by Karen Traviss.

Behind the scenes

Geonosis Forward Control was mentioned in the 2004 novel Republic Commando: Hard Contact, written by Karen Traviss.



