Geonosian accord

The Geonosian accord was a treaty and business deal that officially founded the Confederacy of Independent Systems after it had been formed two years prior in 24 BBY. The agreement was ratified by the Separatist Council at a secret meeting on the planet Geonosis in the year 22 BBY, shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Separatists and Galactic Republic.

In return for their support, Dooku promised companies a future of unlimited financial growth under a laissez-faire economic model. In reality, the companies were pawns of the Sith. Despite the accord's vital role in the road to war, many of the companies that signed it officially took a neutral stance in the Clone Wars. Despite having agreed to sell droids and weapons to the CIS, they were eager to profit by working with both sides of the war, so they continued to do business with the Republic as well.







