Geezer Odajion

Geezer Odajion, nicknamed "Gee," was a male Hutt musician during and after the Clone Wars. He was a flaming rumble bass guitarist for the band Star Waver. Some time after the Clone Wars, Jabba Desilijic Tiure put out a bounty on Odajion. Bounty hunter Boba Fett interrupted a Star Waver concert to capture Odajion for Jabba. Odajion attacked Fett with the flamethrower functionality of his guitar and a skirmish ensued. When the band fled in their ship, Fett pursued them and eventually captured Odajion. Although Odajion was sentenced to execution on Tatooine, his band-mates followed him to the desert planet to perform one last show.

Personality and traits

A male Hutt with green skin and black hair, Geezer Odajion was easy-going and even flippant in the face of danger. He did not care about the expectation that he join the Desilijic, the kajidic of Jabba the Hutt. Instead, he preferred to pursue his passion making music with his band Star Waver. However, once Boba Fett threatened him at blaster-point, Geezer acquiesced to coming with Fett.







