Gambler's Choice

"Gambler's Choice" is the ninth episode of The Empire Strikes Back radio drama. It first aired on National Public Radio on April 11, 1983. The episode adapts events from taking place in Cloud City; its plot revolves around Lando Calrissian's decision to support the surviving Rebels as they escape the Imperial takeover of the city.

Plot summary

A block of carbonite containing Han Solo is hoisted out of the freezing facility in Cloud City. While Chewbacca and Leia vent their anger at Darth Vader, Lando inspects his friend and confirms that he is alive. Vader, satisfied, orders the pit to be prepared for Luke Skywalker. He hands Solo over to the bounty hunter Boba Fett. He again changes his plans for the other captured Rebels: instead of leaving them in Cloud City, he will take them with him. Lando objects; Vader ignores him again. Leia, Chewbacca, and See-Threepio go with Lando under a guard of stormtroopers. Lando comms Lobot, telling him to assemble his own guards and await his next orders.

Luke Skywalker and Artoo-Detoo make their way through Cloud City, suspicious that they have not encountered either opposition or citizens. Luke hides as Imperial troops approach with Boba Fett and the frozen Han (who Luke does not recognize). Fett shoots at Luke, and then the entire group moves away quickly. Luke and Artoo next encounter the troopers guarding Leia, Chewbacca, and Threepio. The troops begin shooting, but Luke cannot return fire because Leia is being used as a human shield. Luke feels compelled to keep moving forward alone, so he tells Artoo to follow their friends in the other direction.

Soon, Luke comes face to face with Darth Vader. Vader tells him that a blaster will do no good against him; they both draw their lightsabers instead. Their duel begins, and while Luke shows his training, Vader soon gains ground. He disarms Luke and pushes him into the freezing pit. Luke manages to leap out, blast Vader with carbonite from a hose, and call his lightsaber back with telekinesis. Vader tells Luke that he is ignoring his potential by refusing to use the Dark Side of the Force; then he disappears into the shadows.

While Luke pursues Vader, Lobot and a squad of Cloud City guards arrest the stormtroopers who are guarding Leia, Chewbacca and Threepio. Lando explains that he can no longer go along with Vader's deal. He wants to escape the city and bring the rebels with him. First they head for the East Platform to rescue Han before Boba Fett takes off. Artoo now catches up with them. But they arrive too late: Han has already been taken aboard. Lando leads the way to the Millennium Falcon, hoping that they can use it to chase Fett.

Lando's final message to his people

Lando's final message to his people

Lando's security code no longer works to pass through the blast door protecting the landing platform. Artoo tries to override the code while Lando connects to Cloud City's P.A. system. He advises his people to leave the city because the Empire is taking control. Artoo realizes that what he thought to be a computer terminal was only a power socket; the real terminal is closer to the blast door in a more exposed location. More stormtroopers arrive; the humans and Chewbacca must hold them at bay while Artoo still struggles to open the door.


In "Gambler's Choice" Luke's separation from Artoo goes differently from the film. In the original, a closing door separates Luke from Artoo, driving Luke toward Vader in the freezing chamber and leaving Artoo to find his friends by himself. In the radio episode, Luke, spurred along by the Force, makes the conscious decision to pursue Vader rather than his friends. He tells Artoo to follow Leia while he goes on alone.


  • The Empire Strikes Back: The National Public Radio Dramatization



