Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi (Second Edition)

The guide features character profiles with game stats for main and some secondary characters from the film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. This book supplies backgrounds for many characters appearing in the film.

From the publisher

On the desert world of Tatooine, Han Solo, one of the heroes of Yavin, is encased in carbonite in Jabba the Hutt's palace. Yoda, the last of the great Jedi Masters, nears death. The fate of the Rebellion lies in the balance as the new Death Star battle station comes to completion. Luke Skywalker must confront his father, the Lord Darth Vader. So begins Return of the Jedi, the climax of the greatest space fantasy of all time.

Here you can find background, personality sketches, and anecdotes of the villains and heroes, Humans and aliens, and monsters and droids appearing in Return of the Jedi. The book concludes with an adventure set on Endor just after the destruction of the second Death Star.


Chapter One: Tatooine

Chapter 2: The Rebel Fleet

Chapter 3: The Second Death Star

Chapter Four: Endor

Chapter Five: Heroes of Endor






