Galaxy's Edge

Galaxy's Edge is an adventure in The Kathol Outback, and is part of The DarkStryder Campaign. It is set in 8 ABY.

Plot summary

The FarStar arrives at the planet Danoor in search of a navigator to take them through the nearby Kathol Rift. The planet had already been visited by the Lance of Endor making massive and impossible demands in the name of the New Republic, and Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum has to convince the government of their good intentions. The government of Danoor insists on a test; they have lost a probe droid in the system's asteroid belt and need help retrieving it.

Adrimetrum agrees, and takes the FarStar to the site of the probe droid. During the recovery operations, they encounter a group of Tuhgri who are trying to salvage part of the droid to fix their own ship to get home. The two crews work together to achieve their common goal before a massive quake destroys the asteroid.

Returning to Danoor, they request information regarding a navigator to take them into the Rift, and are pointed in the direction of Makezh. They also discover that Minister Waric Nane is secretly allied with Sarne's forces, and Minister Mooren is part of the Danoor Resistance. He gives the FarStar crew a message to transmit into the Rift when they are ready to enter the anomaly, which he hopes will call the Aing-Tii to Danoor's aid.

Members of the FarStar crew venture into the capital, Eror Zeen, to find Makezh. At first, Makezh believes the crewmembers are there to kill him, so he runs. The crew chases him across the rooftops of the city, and runs afoul of an assassin droid sent by Nane to kill them, as well as the bounty hunter Mist. Escaping into the sewers, the crew makes it back to their shuttle and rendezvouses with the FarStar.

In orbit, the FarStar transmits Nane's message into the Rift, then prepares to leave. Before they can, the Lance of Endor, accompanied by a Star Destroyer, exits hyperspace. During the battle, the FarStars starfighters manage to destroy the Star Destroyer with the aid of the Aing-Tii, and the aliens destroy the Lance of Endor. With Danoor relatively safe from Sarne, the FarStar heads into the Rift.


  • The Kathol Outback



