GX-9 Pretormin vaporator

The GX-9 Pretormin vaporator was a moisture vaporator manufactured by Pretormin Environmental during the last years of the Galactic Republic. In the six years leading up to the Great Jedi Purge, the farmer Orrin Gault invested in several fields of Pretormin vaporators which he hoped to use to produce sweet-tasting water. However, Gault was unable to figure out the sweet-water formula and the vaporators produced bitter-tasting water.

As Gault's investment failed, he became indebted to banks and was forced to borrow money from Jabba the Hutt. To pay off his debts, Gault started a protection racket known as the Settlers' Call Fund to defend settlers against Tusken Raiders. Gault and also staged false flag attacks, which were falsely attributed to the Tuskens. Facing pressure from Jabba's enforcers, Gault attempted to marry business owner Annileen Calwell in order to acquired her assets to settle his debts. However, Calwell learned of his deception and joined forces with Obi-Wan Kenobi, A'Yark 's Tusken clan, and Jabba's enforcers to expose Gault's deception and crimes.






