G2-GE beamdrill


The G2-GE was a medium-size beamdrill manufactured by Karflo Corporation. It was mainly intended for use in mining operations, but could cut through other materials such as plastics and waste material. Designed to be operated by a single worker, the beamdrill was mounted on a repulsor platform which allowed the apparatus to move at a speed of fifteen kilometers per hour. A visual scanner was built into the G2-GE that warned the operator of any nearby objects or individuals within a range of twenty meters. An integrated comlink could be used to coordinate the actions of teams of workers during operation of the beamdrill.

Power cells charged catalysts within the G2-GE, which in turn ignited the fuel slugs causing a conversion reaction. The resultant energy passed into the beamdrill's to create an energized plasma cutting beam. The plasma beam's length was variable, and could be adjusted from one centimeter to a one and a half meters. A rotating joint allows for a one-hundred-and-eighty degree arc of movement, and the entire beamdrill could be programmed to follow pre-placed for precise cutting along a pre-determined path.

The G2-GE was powered by three cylindrical fuel slugs that provided energy for ten hours of operation. Safety features were built in the G2-GE; numerous cooling units and cooling coils were used to disperse the heat buildup in the beamdrill. The beamdrill had emergency cutoff switches and would also automatically shut down if the operator stepped off the repulsor platform.


The G2-GE was modified to add a life-support bubble and a small ion engine so that it could be used in shipyards. This model was known as the G2-GS.


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