Fromirian roast queg

Fromirian roast queg was a gourmet dish that originated in the Outer Rim Territories' Fromiria system. Yeoman Vimran Trell of the Imperial Star Destroyer Adjudicator, who was also a qualified chef, once made the dish for a reception that, around 4 BBY, was held aboard the warship and included Galactic Empire's Moff Renquet. The latter was so impressed with the meal that he subsequently had the Adjudicator become the flagship of his sector fleet.


Fromirian roast queg was a dish that originated in the Fromiria system of the Outer Rim Territories' Mortex sector. It was prepared during the reign of the Galactic Empire by Vimran Trell, a Human yeoman serving aboard the Imperial Navy's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Adjudicator—and originally a qualified gourmet chef hailing from the Mortex sector world Yutusk. There, Trell had been raised toward taking over the small gourmet restaurant of his father, a plan that was disrupted by the former's unexpected conscription in the Imperial Military.


Fromirian roast queg was prepared by Vimran Trell.

Fromirian roast queg was prepared by Vimran Trell.

At one point around 4 BBY, the Adjudicator was poised to host a reception for several dignitaries including Imperial Moff Renquet. Since the warship's galley chef was on medical leave at the time, Trell let the Adjudicators Captain Krin know of his culinary qualifications. The yeoman went on to prepare a meal for the reception that included a Fromirian roast queg. Renquet was extremely pleased with the dish, to the extent that he requested that the Adjudicator be transferred as the command flagship of his sector fleet.

After Trell had come into contact with the Rebel Alliance and become an undercover Rebel spy at some point by the time shortly following the Battle of Yavin, the Human Alliance General Airen Cracken also tasted the Fromirian roast queg prepared by him. Cracken similarly enjoyed the meal and eventually noted it in an entry of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives dedicated to Trell. In the entry, Cracken further claimed that the quality of the dish rendered Renquet's decision regarding the appointment of the Adjudicator as his flagship understandable.

Behind the scenes

Fromirian roast queg was created by David R. Tulo, Jr. and Ron Hodge and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
