
Frissk was a male Trandoshan who became a prisoner at Desolation Alley on Oovo IV. While there, he started working with the Helmet Squad to skim profits from a clan of Hutts, double-crossing them. When word of Frissk's duplicity reached the Hutts, they placed a bounty on his head which the bounty hunter Jango Fett claimed in 32 BBY.


A prisoner of the Desolation Alley prison on Oovo IV by 32 BBY, Frissk was a criminal who at some stage worked with a of Hutts. While imprisoned, however, the criminal betrayed the Hutts he had previously worked with and began cooperating with a group of prison guards known as "Helmet Squad" who worked in the prison. The Hutts eventually became aware of Frissk's treachery and placed a bounty on his head offering 5,000 for his capture alive but nothing for his death. In the year 32 BBY, while Frissk was still imprisoned, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett traveled to Desolation Alley. Fett entered the prison in an attempt to break out a Mordageen prisoner named Bendix Fust whom he hoped to use to get close to the Dug crime lord Sebolto who Fust had betrayed.

While making his way to Fust's cell Fett encountered Frissk, who was meeting with a member of helmet squad known as "Shank" Ballax. Frissk and Ballax both attacked Fett but the hunter managed to subdue both of them and captured Frissk alive, claiming the bounty on him as well as the one posted on Ballax.




