Freedom Two

It was apparent that this model was designed for the close combat environment of urban combat and boarding actions, and as such did not meet the same accuracy as its predecessor, although the power its bolt delivered exceeded even that of the A280 blaster rifle.

The majority of Stormtroopers retained the Stormtrooper One, but nevertheless the Stormtrooper Two saw wide service in the Empire's military.

Alliance to Restore the Republic operative Davar Hamalcal included a Stormtrooper Two as part of his personal weaponry.


  • Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
  • Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy
  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
  • The Far Orbit Project
  • Strongholds of Resistance
