Forum:Trash compactor

The Trash compactor is where Wookieepedians discuss whether or not an article or other page should be deleted and/or redirected to another page, or recreated after previously being deleted. Pages listed here are debated until the community reaches a consensus.

Anyone may nominate an article or other page for deletion or redirecting through the Trash compactor. To do so, simply add {{TC}} to the top of the page(s) and follow the template's instructions.

If you wish to instead propose the restoration of a previously deleted page, create the voting page by entering a suitable title (e.g., "Nevana's father" or "Rex's resistance network (third nomination)") in the box below, and after clicking "Create new vote," change the voting options accordingly in the source code of the pre-filled vote page that you will then be redirected to.

The creation of a Trash compactor vote will then be automatically broadcast in the channel on Discord.

Starting a Trash compactor vote

Anyone may nominate an article or other page for deletion or redirecting through the Trash compactor. To do so, simply add {{TC}} to the top of the page(s) and follow the template's instructions.

If you wish to instead propose the restoration of a previously deleted page, create the voting page by entering a suitable title (e.g., "Nevana's father" or "Rex's resistance network (third nomination)") in the box below, and after clicking "Create new vote," change the voting options accordingly in the source code of the pre-filled vote page that you will then be redirected to.

The creation of a Trash compactor vote will then be automatically broadcast in the channel on Discord.

