Fort Nowhere

Fort Nowhere was a smuggler installation located on Ruusan.


It contained the Smuggler's Rest, and it was located near Katarn's Hill and a series of caverns.

In order to protect contraband, Fort Nowhere was built as a Class Two military installation, able to withstand a force-one assault. It was shaped like a six-pointed star, with a spherical blaster cannon at each point to ensure that anyone, pirates or natives, attempting to force entry would face covering fire. It was also equipped with subsurface , and defenses included rammed-earth walls. There was also an underground bunker serving as command center. However it would not withstand any full-scale Imperial assault.

The smugglers operated a surveillance system of sixteen satellites not only for observing weather phenomena, but also anticipating any orbital attack from the Empire.


Fort Nowhere was inhabited mostly by smugglers affiliated with Captain Jerg. In the initial survey they discovered the existence of the sentient Bouncers but they didn't care to discover more about them or venture farther than was necessary and never cared to find where an old roadbed, remnants of an ancient highway, was leading. They thought that only a crazy person would go out to the badlands without any good reason.

In 1 BBY Rebel Sulonese colonists were brought to Ruusan by Morgan Katarn. Jerg, who based his smuggling operations out of the Fort, carried the Sulonese into his compound.

Rebel leader Morgan Katarn arranged for the Sulonese colonists to stack their supplies and gear near the Fort, in order to begin their own independent life outside the influence of the Fort's squalid life. For three local days, nine waves of colonists came, who erected shelters, installed mirrors and fiber-optic cables into the caverns to illuminate them. They divided the surrounding land, which included a drilled well, and irrigated for crops.

By 5 ABY Byron Devo III was its mayor. In that year Ruusan was rediscovered by Imperial Remnant forces under the Dark Jedi Lord Jerec in search for the Valley of the Jedi. While his apprentice Sariss intended to attack the settlement immediately, Jerec preferred to interrogate the populace first. Meanwhile the settlers were alerted with the appearance of Imperial probe droids, and some had left the town; this was witnessed by Jerec's Dark Jedi who made a reconaissance flight in an assault shuttle.

While Sariss "negotiated" with the Mayor, Yun and Boc looked around the fort. They eventually discovered that the fort-dwellers had no knowledge of the valley and, upon hearing that, Jerec ordered them to destroy the settlement. Soon, a battle broke out on the planet. Commanded by Sariss, the Imperial forces ravaged the fort, capturing or killing almost all of the people, though some managed to escape.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas












