Fornayh's fortress

Over a thousand years before the Galactic Civil War, the Sith Lord Quorlac Fornayh arrived on Yorgraxx and enslaved the planet's native species, using them to build the fortress. After Fornayh died, he remained there as a Force ghost and was reawakened during the Galactic Civil War after a group of Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance members were stranded on Yorgraxx. They traveled to the fortress and fought against Fornayh's ghost there.


Over a thousand years before the Galactic Civil War, the Sith Lord Quorlac Fornayh arrived on Yorgraxx and enslaved the planet's native species, using them to build the fortress. After Fornayh died, he remained there as a Force ghost and was reawakened during the Galactic Civil War after a group of Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance members were stranded on Yorgraxx. They traveled to the fortress and fought against Fornayh's ghost there.



