Forge Guardian

In 3643 BBY, the Guardian was disturbed from its slumber when the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din opened the Forge, an ancient machine used to create lightsabers, above the beast's cave, and the angry beast attacked the young Jedi. The Padawan, who had just defeated the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr and rescued Master Din, was forced to kill the Guardian with the Jedi's new lightsaber in order to safely return to the Jedi Temple.

The Forge Guardian appears in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, as part of the Jedi Knight-exclusive bonus mission "Putting Your New Weapon to Use." After assembling their lightsaber, the player must either defeat the jurgoran or bypass the enemy by quick-traveling to one of the main planetary locations or teleporting to the nearest medcenter when defeated. The jurgoran has a buff called "Larger" that says it is larger than normal, though its size is the same as other jurgorans in the game.

Behind the scenes

The Forge Guardian appears in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, as part of the Jedi Knight-exclusive bonus mission "Putting Your New Weapon to Use." After assembling their lightsaber, the player must either defeat the jurgoran or bypass the enemy by quick-traveling to one of the main planetary locations or teleporting to the nearest medcenter when defeated. The jurgoran has a buff called "Larger" that says it is larger than normal, though its size is the same as other jurgorans in the game.



