
Fodro was an Outer Rim Territories planet located in the Clacis sector, on the Braxant Run hyperlane. During the Galactic Civil War, it served as the endpoint of the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade, a popular interstellar racing route. The racer Siro Simito once participated in the race, during which he estimated that his rival, Seeg, would arrive at Fodro several hours earlier than himself. Fodro later fell within the borders of the Pentastar Alignment.


Fodro was a planet located in the Fodro system, a part of the Clacis sector in the New Territories portion of the Outer Rim Territories. It was situated between the Gwori and Kwevron systems on the hyperlane known as the Braxant Run and lay at a distance of at least two days' hyperspace travel with a Class 1 hyperdrive from the Demetras sector planet Azna.


As part of the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade race, the pilot Siro Simito traveled from the planet Azna to Fodro.

As part of the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade race, the pilot Siro Simito traveled from the planet Azna to Fodro.

During the Galactic Civil War, Fodro served as the endpoint of the popular annual Star Rally interstellar racing route known as the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade, with the segment connecting Azna and Fodro constituting the final leg of the route. The racer and undercover Rebel Alliance operative Siro Simito once participated in the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade.

On the eighteenth day of the race, while in hyperspace transit from Azna to Fodro, Simito estimated in a report he was making on the race that his rival, Seeg, would beat him to the finish line at Fodro by several hours' time. Despite the competitiveness Simito felt toward Seeg, the former intentionally decreased the hyperdrive efficiency of his starship during the flight to Fodro so that he could subsequently publicly claim that the ship had engine problems—which would deflect attention from the detours the pilot planned to make during the next race in order to make several secret deliveries for the Rebel Alliance.

At some point by the time the Battle of Yavin was fought, Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken included Simito's report, which also described the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade and its route, in a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives. Between 4 ABY and 12 ABY, Fodro fell within the territory controlled by the Pentastar Alignment.

Behind the scenes

Fodro was created by Chuck Truett and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Fodro system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square K-4.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
