Flesh Raider command base

During the Flesh Raider uprising of 3643 BBY, the native Flesh Raiders of the planet Tython had a command base in the Tythos Ridge mountains. The Twi'lek Pilgrims of the nearby Kalikori village located the base through scouting expeditions under the command of the village Scout Chief Moorint, and told the Jedi Order of the base's location as part of their alliance against the hostile natives. While Jedi Master Orgus Din gathered a strike force of Jedi to eliminate the camp, he sent his apprentice to take out the shield generator protecting the base.

Both assaults were successful, resulting in the destruction of both the shield generator and the base itself. During their attack, the Jedi discovered the location of many more Flesh Raider camps across the planet, and mobilized all available Jedi Knights, Masters, and even some apprentices to destroy the camps.

The Flesh Raider command base is briefly mentioned in the BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, in the Jedi Knight class mission "The Face of the Enemy". The player's master, Orgus Din, takes a strike team to eliminate the base while the player destroys the shield generator protecting the camp.

Behind the scenes

The Flesh Raider command base is briefly mentioned in the BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, in the Jedi Knight class mission "The Face of the Enemy". The player's master, Orgus Din, takes a strike team to eliminate the base while the player destroys the shield generator protecting the camp.



