Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen

The Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen was a Hapan warfleet that saw action during the Dark Nest Crisis.

The Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen was led by Dukat Aleson Gray, aboard the Hapan Battle Dragon Kendall. During the Dark Nest Crisis in 35 ABY, the fleet fought at the Battle of Qoribu on behalf of the Killiks, who were being attacked by the forces of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen was originally intended to keep the peace by acting as a deterrent to Chiss aggression, but ultimately was drawn into the engagement when Han and Leia Organa Solo arrived in the Gyuel system aboard the Millennium Falcon and prompted a conflict of interest between the Chiss and the Hapans.


The Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen was led by Dukat Aleson Gray, aboard the Hapan Battle Dragon Kendall. During the Dark Nest Crisis in 35 ABY, the fleet fought at the Battle of Qoribu on behalf of the Killiks, who were being attacked by the forces of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen was originally intended to keep the peace by acting as a deterrent to Chiss aggression, but ultimately was drawn into the engagement when Han and Leia Organa Solo arrived in the Gyuel system aboard the Millennium Falcon and prompted a conflict of interest between the Chiss and the Hapans.






