
Fivelines was a droid that inhabited the planet Ronyards, which was a major dumping ground for damaged, obsolete and inoperative droids during the era of the Galactic Civil War. One of the rare droids that remained active after being jettisoned on Ronyards, "Brother" Fivelines became a leader of a droid cult that worshipped the planet itself, believing that the millions of droid remains covering Ronyards' surface formed together to create a living god. Fivelines stayed devout in his belief even until the end, when he was destroyed by a squad of Imperial stormtroopers that had come to Ronyards to harvest the metal that covered its surface for the war effort. Perhaps validating the droid's convictions, Fivelines' destruction prompted a violent upheaval from within the planet itself, wiping out the stormtroopers and their Star Destroyer.



