Fish market

The fish market was located on the Core Worlds planet Corellia. In 3 ABY, the smugglers Remy and Sana Starros visited the fish market, where they were seen by an individual named Mar. The next day, a member of the Unbroken Clan criminal syndicate reported Mar's sighting of the two smugglers at the market to the syndicate's General Vukorah as she interrogated Remy for information about a Path engine he had sold to Beol De'Rruyet—the founder of the company De'Rruyet Industries.

The fish market was mentioned in the seventh issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on January 20, 2021.

Behind the scenes

The fish market was mentioned in the seventh issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on January 20, 2021.



