First Phlog crisis

However, the Ewok children, Latara, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Wicket Wystri Warrick, and Teebo were able to infiltrate the Dulok Swamp and rescue the Phlogs' child. Upon returning the child to its parents, the Phlogs broke off their attack, content that they had gotten their child back. The Duloks, who had been tasked with protecting the child during the attack, arrived at the village to recapture Nahkee. The Phlogs, now aware of the deception quickly turned their wrath on the Duloks, chasing them all the way back to their swamp. Morag, furious over the turn of events, attacked the Dulok leader, King Gorneesh and Shaman Umwak, punishing them for their failure.



