Finch Dallow

Finch Dallow was a human male bomber pilot who was a member of the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron. He was formally part of the New Republic and flew for the New Republic Scout Service.

Early life

During his early life, Finch Dallow learned to fly crop dusters at his family farm on Aduba. He later joined the New Republic and flew for the New Republic Scout Service, where he logged many pilot hours.


Dallow later joined the Resistance, where he served as the pilot for Cobalt Squadron. He flew the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 Cobalt Hammer during the Atterra campaign and later the evacuation of D'Qar. During the evacuation, Dallow and the other pilots of the Resistance navy's bombing squadron flew their bombers toward a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, the Fulminatrix. After the other bombers were destroyed, the only chance the Resistance had was the Hammer. Despite numerous attacks by enemy fighters, Dallow managed to get the bomber into optimum position over the Fulminatrix before the cockpit was destroyed by a TIE fighter, killing him. Another crewmember, Paige Tico, managed to drop the bomber's payload, ultimately destroying the Fulminatrix, but killing her in the process when the crippled Hammer dropped into the flames. Cobalt Squadron's sacrifice meant the destruction of the Fulminatrix, allowing the Resistance to escape D'Qar.

Personality and traits

Finch Dallow was a human male with dark skin, black hair and dark-colored eyes. Like other MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 pilots, he was level-headed and calm under fire.


Finch Dallow wore a yellow flight suit with a white vest. He wore a white flight helmet, with blue markings, which bore a red Rebel Alliance starbird and the Aurebesh inscription that translated to "STELLA".

Behind the scenes

Finch Dallow was played by Kevin Layne in the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi where he was credited as "Resistance Bomber pilot #1." Dallow's role as the pilot of the Cobalt Hammer was originally supposed to be filled by Finn in an early draft of the film's script, but director Rian Johnson scrapped the idea because if Finn wasn't aware that Paige Tico was Rose Tico's sister, later there would have been a big "I saw your sister die" scene which Johnson didn't want to write, making Finn, in Johnson's words, an "asshole."


  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary
  • The Last Jedi: Bomber Command
  • Star Wars: Resistance Bomber Book and 3D Wood Model
  • Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second EditionResistance Conversion Kit
  • Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition

Non-canon sources

  • LEGO Star Wars Awesome Vehicles















