Fideltin Rusk's first squad

A squad in the Republic Army was active during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Sometime after 3665 BBY, the Chagrian Fideltin Rusk and the Human Callan Grayne were assigned to the squad upon enlisting in the Republic Military. The two troopers fought in the Geonosis campaign alongside the rest of the squad and other soldiers such as the Human Durant, and during his service in the squad, Grayne lost his entire left leg. Grayne received a prosthetic replacement and continued to serve, though both he and Rusk eventually moved onto to other divisions and greater responsibilities as the war progressed. Later, during 3642 BBY, Grayne and Rusk reminisced about their time in the squad.

The squad was first mentioned during a conversation with Sergeant Rusk and General Grayne in "The Price of Victory," a mission for the Jedi Knight class in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Behind the scenes

The squad was first mentioned during a conversation with Sergeant Rusk and General Grayne in "The Price of Victory," a mission for the Jedi Knight class in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.



