
Feytihennasraof was a male Oswaft who served as one of three Elders of his space-dwelling species by 3 BBY. Feytihennasraof served in this role when his species came under threat by an Imperial fleet, working with Human visitor Lando Calrissian to protect the Oswaft from Imperial aggression in the ThonBoka nebula. Feytihennasraof led a large force of his people in using their natural hyperspace jumping ability to confuse the Imperial fleet into firing on each other, but was killed by a Electromagnetic torpedo fired by Sorcerer of Tund Rokur Gepta.


Feytihennasraof—known by some as "Fey," for short—was a male member of the massive, space-dwelling species known as the Oswaft, that lived in the region of space called the ThonBoka nebula. Feytihennasraof had become one of three Oswaft Elders by the Imperial Period, living into a period of great turmoil for their people. In 3 BBY, the relatively obscure Oswaft came to the attention of the Galactic Empire, who felt threatened by the existence of a species that had natural hyperspace capabilities, although the Oswaft themselves were nonviolent and completely uninterested in events beyond the ThonBoka. The Imperials launched a blockade intending to starve the Oswaft out. Their only potential salvation ultimately came from an unlikely source—a passing gambler named Lando Calrissian had made an acquaintance with a young Oswaft named Lehesu, and traveled to the ThonBoka in order to help the Oswaft outwit the Empire.

Feytihennasraof, along with fellow Elder Senwannus'gourkahipaff, summoned Calrissian to the Cave of Elders—the only artificial structure in the ThonBoka—only to be immediately charmed by the visiting Human over a game of sabacc. The group began discussing ways to extricate the Oswaft from their precarious position, when they were interrupted by news that fellow Elder Bhoggihalysahonues and 1,000 fellow Oswaft had been killed en masse by the Imperial fleet. The mustering of their enemies made the Oswaft's situation mortally dire, and Calrissian quickly formulated a plan to help Feytihennasraof's people. Although Feytihennasraof originally asserted a moral opposition to fighting back, Calrissian convinced the Elder to aid in a plan to utilize the Oswaft's natural hyperspace jumping capability, and ability to excrete heavy metals in order to create false images, to confuse the Imperial fleet into firing at one another. Leading a force of upwards of one million Oswaft, their deception initially worked brilliantly, causing significant Imperial casualties. However, Sorcerer of Tund Rokur Gepta—pursuing his own grudge with Calrissian—arrived in his flagship Wennis and attacked the massed Oswaft with an electromagnetic torpedo that killed both Elders along with many others of their kind.

Personality and traits

In many ways, Feytihennasraof was an exemplar of the Oswaft species: unconcerned with events outside of the ThonBoka, sheltered from the greater galaxy, and completely uncomprehending of concepts like armed conflict between sentients or games of chance. To Feytihennasraof, the ThonBoka was his people's entire world, the concept of leaving unimaginable, and the idea of fighting back against the Imperials that threatened the Oswaft unconscionable. But after meeting Lando Calrissian, Feytihennasraof had his viewpoint shifted in several fundamental ways. First, the Oswaft Elder found an affinity for the game of sabacc, finding the pursuit to be quite diverting. Then, Feytihennasraof came to see the necessity of self-preservation in the face of Imperial aggression, agreeing to help fight back despite his apprehension. Over one kilometer across in size, Feytihennasraof was actually slightly smaller than his fellow Elder Senwannus'gourkahipaff.

Behind the scenes

Feytihennasraof appeared in Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka, a novel written by L. Neil Smith and released in 1983.


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