Ferrok Pax

Ferrok Pax was the home of the kingdom of a proto-species which was reduced to ruins by the time of the Galactic Empire's rule. By 1 BBY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry went to Ferrok Pax to rescue rebels who had been captured by a group of warriors. Traveling by foot to reach their target, the 61st lost many rebel soldiers during its journey. After the remaining soldiers fought and defeated the warriors, only thirty-seven remained of what had been barely two-hundred troops.


The 61st Mobile Infantry (logo pictured)

The 61st Mobile Infantry (logo pictured)

Ferrok Pax was home to the kingdom of a proto-species which was reduced to ruins by the time of the Galactic Empire's reign. At some point by 1 BBY, a group of warriors held members of the Rebel Alliance captive at Ferrok Pax. The Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry was subsequently deployed to Ferrok Pax to save the captured rebels. Numbering barely two-hundred rebel soldiers, the company approached the enemy by foot to maintain their stealth and flank the warriors. The 61st marched for days through the ruins of the ancient proto-species kingdom, their supplies dwindling. Many soldiers were left behind, unable to walk or starving to death. Others were lost to creatures or alien technology the 61st did not understand.

The soldiers eventually found and fought the warriors, claiming victory and extracting the captured rebels. However, only thirty-seven of the troops sent remained, including the Besalisk Gadren, a newer member of the company. Captain Micha Evon, the 61st's founder and commanding officer, rebuilt the company after. The Alliance's leader, Mon Mothma, considered the battle at Ferrok Pax very costly and echoed her thoughts in Document #MH2215, titled "Short Notes on the History of the Rebel Alliance Navy," within her personal files. In 3 ABY, while the 61st was at the junker world of Heap Nine, Gadren retold his experience of his time at Ferrok Pax to Hazram Namir, the assumed captain of the company at that time.

Behind the scenes

Ferrok Pax was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.












