
Fermic was a terrestrial factory planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. It had a type I atmosphere that was polluted from the planet's many fuel refineries and industrial facilities, but was breathable to both humans and the avian porgs.

In 34 ABY, during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, and several months after the Battle of Crait, Resistance operatives Poe Dameron, Rey, and Rose Tico visited Fermic as the final stop on a journey around the Outer Rim to gather supplies. On Fermic, they loaded a number of cargo crates onto the freighter Millennium Falcon before leaving to answer a distress signal from the planet Minfar. By the time of the Resistance members' visit, Fermic was untouched by the First Order's subjugation of the galaxy.

Fermic appeared in Spark of the Resistance, a junior novel written by Justina Ireland and published in 2019.

Behind the scenes

Fermic appeared in Spark of the Resistance, a junior novel written by Justina Ireland and published in 2019.






