Fenelar armor


A set of Fenelar armor, circa 3951 BBY[4]

A set of Fenelar armor, circa 3951 BBY[4]

Manufactured by the Fenelar, Fenelar armor was constructed from a variety of exotic minerals, including Phrik, which the Fenelar were the first to develop. Because of these materials, Fenelar armor was renowned for its heavy protection - comparable to heavy battle armor - while retaining a high degree of flexibility, mobility, and relative light weight at twenty kilograms. Combined, this made Fenelar armor handle and feel more like a medium armor in terms of weight and dexterity, while retaining all the benefit of a heavier armor. In addition to its heavy protection, the bracers of Fenelar armor contained concealed combat knives, while the helmet contained an integrated motion sensor array, audio sensor, comlink, and infrared imager. Fenelar armor was deliberately designed to intimidate those who saw it, and each set was elaborately engraved; combined with its storied history and fierce reputation, this meant that those who wore the armor were sure to be feared.


The Fenelar species was exterminated by the Mandalorian Crusaders between 5,000 and 4000 BBY, which effectively ceased production of new suits of the highly respected armor. This made Fenelar armor a scarce item past the Old Sith Wars, and a collectors item in the Imperial Era. Gallo Memm, a crime lord on Vaynai was one such collector during the time of the Galactic Empire, and kept a suit of Felenar armor valued at 55,000 credits within a transparisteel case at his compound.

Behind the scenes

Fenelar armor was referred to as Felenar armor in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Jason Fry has confirmed this as a spelling mistake.




