Fellidrone's Apartment


In 23 BBY, after Jenza, Dooku's sister, was kidnapped by Glute who was hired by Republic backed agents, Jenza was taken into Fellidrone's Apartment where Fellidrone tortured her in order to obtain information. After realising that the smell of aftershave from the Portmaster's office came from a Zim-501 Jetpack, Ventress immediately barged into the apartment and confronted Fellidrone. After convincing Fellidrone to help her, Ventress reached out to a control panel behind a picture of Glee Anselm and upon activating the control panel, she activated a booby trap. This led to her getting electrocuted. Before Fellidrone could take Jenza offworld to his superiors, he was stabbed by Ventress. Ventress later freed Jenza from her restraining bolts where she told Ventress about Dooku during his last years as a Jedi Master. After Jenza finished telling Ventress the full history of Count Dooku, 2 Republic agents entered the building and later in the apartment. This caused Ventress to seal the compartment that she and Jenza were in. Before the Republic agents could enter the compartment, Dooku arrived and Force choked them to death. Dooku then met up with Jenza and ordered Jenza to check whether any data was transferred offworld. Dooku then talked to Jenza and ordered Ventress to kill Jenza. Ventress obeyed and killed Jenza. Dooku then ordered all the evidence to be destroyed. Ventress obliged and overloaded the power pack of a dead agent's blaster close to a fuel spillage in the room. This led to the apartment and the building to be destroyed.

Behind the scenes

Fellidrone's Apartment first appeared in the audiobook Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published in 2019. The name of the location was mentioned in the script book version of the audiobook.[3]






