
Fehlaaur'aitel'loro, also known as Fehlaaur, was a Chiss diplomat of the Chiss Ascendancy. He was the Ascendancy's liaison to the Fel Empire and was placed in the service of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps as a sign of solidarity between the two governments. In 127 ABY, when the Ascendancy received word of an impending conflict between the Empire and the Galactic Alliance, they attempted to recall Fehlaaur. To ensure the Ascendancy remained bound to the Empire, Emperor Roan Fel granted Fehlaaur the title of Moff, giving him a place on the Moff Council, and promoted him to director of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps.

At the end of the Sith–Imperial War, Fehlaaur was among the Moffs present when Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt deposed Roan Fel, and assumed the throne. During the proceeding Second Imperial Civil War, Fehlaaur continued to serve Krayt's Empire on the Moff Council. In 137 ABY, Krayt tasked the Moffs with devoting their resources to finding former Jedi Cade Skywalker, a descendant of the famous Grand Master Luke Skywalker. After the Sith succeeded in capturing Skywalker, the Moffs were ordered to return to their previously assigned tasks. Not content with being dismissed so easily, Grand Admiral Morlish Veed ordered Fehlaaur and the other Moffs to find out all they could about Skywalker, wanting to know where the former Jedi was, dead or alive.

Following the apparent death of Darth Krayt at the hands of Skywalker and his allies, Fehlaaur and the High Moff Council met to discuss reports that Emperor-in-exile Fel had planned a secret meeting with the Jedi on the planet Agamar. Veed intended for the Empire to capture Fel at the meeting and ordered the Moffs to prepare their forces for immediate departure. Moffs Yage and Fehlaaur were given command of the First Sith Imperial Strikeforce, leading the the strikeforce on the mission to capture Fel. Following Krayt's return, Fehlaaur was given the position of Director of Imperial Intelligence and was present during the attack on the Hidden Temple of the Jedi Order.

Sith–Imperial War

Fehlaaur and the Moff Council at the attack on Emperor Fel.

Fehlaaur and the Moff Council at the attack on Emperor Fel.

When the Chiss diplomat Fehlaaur'aitel'loro, commonly known simply as Fehlaaur, traveled from the Chiss homeworld of Csilla to the Imperial capital of Bastion as a diplomatic envoy from the Chiss Ascendancy, he was placed in the service of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps as a sign of solidarity between the two governments.

In 127 ABY, after the Galactic Alliance-backed Ossus Project—the project to have the Yuuzhan Vong terraform worlds ravaged by their invasion of the galaxy—was sabotaged, the Empire seized the opportunity created by the loss of confidence in the current galactic government, the Galactic Alliance, to attempt to restore the Empire as the dominant galactic power. When news of this reached the Chiss Ascendancy, they attempted to recall Fehlaaur to Csilla, wanting to avoid having one of their own drawn into the impending conflict. In order to ensure that the Ascendancy remained bound to the Empire, Emperor Roan Fel granted Fehlaaur the title of Moff, giving him a place on the Moff Council, and promoted him to director of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps.

At the end of the Sith–Imperial War, in the aftermath of the Massacre at Ossus, where the Empire's allies, the One Sith, decimated the Jedi Order, Fehlaaur was among the Moffs present when Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt deposed Roan Fel, and assumed the throne. The Moff Council was unaware, however, that the Human whom Krayt had killed to assume the throne was not Roan Fel; he was a decoy. The real Fel had escaped, and was heading to Bastion to form a government-in-exile. As the new Galactic Emperor, Krayt demanded that High Moff Morlish Veed swear loyalty to him, followed by Fehlaaur and the rest of the council.

Second Imperial Civil War

Fehlaaur and Rulf Yage

Fehlaaur and Rulf Yage

In the aftermath of the Sith–Imperial War, during the proceeding Second Imperial Civil War, Fehlaaur continued to serve on the Moff Council. In 137 ABY, Krayt tasked the Moffs with devoting their resources to finding a descendant of the famous Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the former Jedi Cade Skywalker, whom Krayt sought for his healing ability. After Krayt succeeded in capturing the former Jedi, his subordinate Sith Lord Darth Maladi contacted the Moff High Council in their meeting chambers on Coruscant, and ordered the Moffs, as well as the agencies under their command, to return to their previously assigned tasks.

Not content with being dismissed so easily, Grand Admiral Veed asked Fehlaaur what information the Diplomatic Corps and the Chiss had on Skywalker. Fehlaaur informed the council that neither the Diplomatic Corps nor the Ascendancy had any knowledge of Skywalker, causing fellow Moff Rulf Yage to accuse the Ascendancy of withholding information. Fehlaaur was not drawn into a confrontation, however, instead dismissing the claim. Unhappy about their lack of power under the Sith, the Moffs attempted to blame Moff Nyna Calixte—the Director of Imperial Intelligence—for their current predicament. Calixte responded by reminding them that they had all chosen to ally with the Sith; they had all wanted the war. However, Fehlaaur pointed out that Roan Fel had not, and now the Moffs were suffering the consequences. Veed, having had enough of the arguing, ordered the Moffs to find out all they could about Skywalker, wanting to know where the Sith were keeping the former Jedi, dead or alive.

After Cade Skywalker and his allies succeeded in their mission to kill Darth Krayt and Veed—who believed Krayt to be still alive, but in stasis—was made Regent of the Empire by Darth Wyyrlok, Fehlaaur and the High Moff Council met in their chambers on Coruscant to discuss reports that Emperor-in-exile Fel was planning to secretly meet with the Jedi on the planet Agamar. Veed planned for the Empire to capture Fel at the meeting and put the exiled Emperor on trial to end the Bastion resistance. Fehlaaur, assuming the intelligence was acquired by Nyna Calixte, asked her where the information had come from. However, Veed himself had gained the intelligence and refused to give his source. The Regent ordered Fehlaaur and the other Moffs to prepare their forces for immediate departure before dismissing them.

Moffs Yage and Fehlaaur were given command of the First Sith Imperial Strikeforce, with Fehlaaur serving under Yage as the task force's Lieutenant Commander. Commanding from aboard the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer War Hammer, Fehlaaur and Yage led the the strikeforce on the mission to capture Roan Fel. Yage was unhappy with the number of Sith that composed the First Sith Imperial Strikeforce, commenting to Fehlaaur that he had become a leader of monsters. The mission was ultimately unsuccessful, as Emperor Fel was able to escape; however, the Sith forces were able to capture Fel's daughter, Marasiah Fel.

Director of Imperial Intelligence

Following the return of Lord Krayt and after Moff Calixte was revealed to be a traitor to the Sith Empire, Fehlaaur was given Calixte's position as Director of Imperial Intelligence. Having learned the Hidden Temple of the Jedi Order was located on the planet Taivas, Darth Krayt planned an attack on the temple, and Fehlaaur joined the fleet for the battle. As the Sith–Imperial fleet began its attack on the Jedi compound, they discovered that a build up of charge by the planet's rock formations deflected energy, causing the Sith fleet to lose fighters to friendly fire. Fehlaaur was blamed for the lack of prior knowledge of these rock formations, as his operatives had failed to warn the Sith commanders of them, though the Chiss blamed the situation on the state Moff Calixte had left Imperial Intelligence. With the aid of Lord Krayt's Sith troopers, Krayt's forces were able to win the battle against the combined forces of the Jedi, Alliance Remnant, and the Empire-in-exile, though in the process Moff Geist was killed by friendly fire while Moff Yage defected to Roan Fel's side, following his daughter's footsteps.

Personality and traits

Moffs Veed and Fehlaaur

Moffs Veed and Fehlaaur

Fehlaaur was a Chiss with blue skin, black hair, and red eyes. Compared to his fellow members of the Moff Council, Fehlaaur was quite aloof and mild-mannered. Unlike the other Moffs on the council, Fehlaaur remained cautious and would not surrender to his emotions. When Moff Yage accused the Ascendancy of withholding information, Fehlaaur did not enter into a confrontation, instead pointing out that there was no evidence to back the claim. Along with Moff Konrad Rus of the Imperial Mission, Fehlaaur helped keep the balance within the council, often serving as the counterpoint to the more aggressive Moffs.

Serving as a diplomat for the Chiss Ascendancy, Fehlaaur was a polyglot capable of speaking Basic, Bothese, Cheunh, and High Galactic.

Behind the scenes

Fehlaaur first appeared in the first issue of Star Wars: Legacy, Broken, Part 1, released in June 2006, where he was an unnamed Moff present at the attack on Emperor Fel. He was identified by the name Fehlaaur in the fifteenth issue of the series, Claws of the Dragon, Part 2 released in August 2007. Both issues were written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, and penciled by Duursema. He was later featured in the supplement to the series numbered zero-and-a-half, and given an entry in the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Fehlaaur was given his full Chiss name, Fehlaaur'aitel'loro, and statistics for gameplay, in the Legacy Era Campaign Guide released in March 2009. Fehlaaur returned in the third issue of the sequel to Legacy series, Star Wars: Legacy—War.

The name and appearance of Fehlaaur was based upon a fan who donated $2,700 at the 2006 Child's Play charity dinner to make his appearance in a Star Wars comic.
















