Fall of Vinsoth

In 138 ABY, the planet Vinsoth fell to the forces of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. Lord Krayt had recently begun a renewed military push against his enemies after reclaiming his usurped Imperial throne, and Vinsoth—within the borders of Emperor Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile but positioned close to Krayt's own territory—was one of his targets. The world was conquered by Krayt's Sith–Imperials, and Fel grew increasingly frustrated with his enemy's military might.


In 138 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War, deposed Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt returned to the galactic capital world of Coruscant to reclaim his mantle as ruler of both the One Sith and the Galactic Empire. Supported by Sith warriors loyal to him and an army of specialized Sith troopers, he led an assault on Coruscant's Temple of the Sith and killed his usurper, Darth Wyyrlok. His mission complete, Krayt vowed to wage renewed war against all who opposed his Empire.

The fall

Forces of the Empire launched several military campaigns against Krayt's enemies, including a strike at the planet Vinsoth. The world was under the control of former Galactic Emperor Roan Fel's Empire-in-exile but lay within the outer regions of his territory. Fel's forces were defeated in the battle, and Vinsoth was claimed by the Sith–Imperials.


The fall of Vinsoth was one of several battles that caused factions across the galaxy to bow to the might of Lord Krayt. Emperor Fel rued the losses of lives and resources that his Empire incurred at Vinsoth and in other theaters, as well as the resulting thin spread of his forces. When the Sith Lady Darth Maladi, held prisoner on Fel's fortress world of Bastion, offered to create him a toxin that could kill all the life on a planet, Fel considered using the weapon against the seemingly-unstoppable Sith.

Behind the scenes

Vinsoth's fall to Darth Krayt's Empire was mentioned in the second issue of the comic miniseries Star Wars: Legacy—War. The issue was written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema and published by Dark Horse Comics on January 26, 2011.



